Cold Sore Home Remedies Quick And Effective Solutions For Your Cold Sores

By Denny Bodoh
Cold sore home remedies?
In just a moment you will get some excellent remedies to add to your arsenal. Do not buy another drug store treatment until you read this powerful list of cold sore home remedies.
Cold sore home remedies normally work much better than the drug store varieties. And you pay little or nothing for these time-proven strategies. The big drug companies would prefer that you continue using their expensive products. But you will never need to again with this great showcase of cold sore home remedies.
With the advent of the Internet, many home remedies for cold sores have surfaced. These are treatments that we would not otherwise know about – from all parts of the world. Some have proven very easy. Others may not give proper results unless used in a specific way.
Below, you will learn a few clear, powerful and effective cold sore home remedies that will work for you time after time. And you will now know how to use them for best results.
Perhaps you are currently using one or the other of these treatments. Wonderful. But, quite often, you will find the greatest success by combining with new remedies and fine-tuning for your specific needs.
– LYSINE – The herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores reproduces by using arginine as the main building block. Arginine is stored in your cells. Lysine bumps out the arginine – making herpes reproduction impossible.
During an outbreak, sufferers can take up to 8000 mg. daily of supplemental lysine. Between cold sores, as a preventative, 500 to 1000 mg. daily is common.
– VITAMIN C – Very important support for fighting and preventing cold sores or any disease caused by a virus. Small, frequent doses totaling 2000 to 8000 milligrams per day is the best way to go.
Keep in mind that vitamin C must be taken with bioflavonoids or you are wasting your money.
– TEA – Use warm, wet tea bags for fast healing once the sore has opened up. Any tea will work well.
Not only does the warmth encourage healing, but also the tea liquid is a strong healing remedy.
– CLEAR NAIL POLISH – You can apply to the area before the outbreak – when it first starts itching – to stop a cold sore in its tracks. The polish will peal off naturally in a day or two.
– ZINC – Known as the healing mineral, zinc is powerful against cold sores. Your daily multi-vitamin usually includes a small amount of zinc. For better therapy, suck on zinc lozenges.
Applying zinc directly to the sore helps only if you use zinc sulfate or zinc gluconate. Other forms of zinc do not absorb well, or at all.
– ASTRAGALUS – This herb is known as a healer and virus killer. Available in capsules for oral intake and a tincture that can be used orally or directly applied.
Do not take as a preventative. Your body will tend to develop immunity to it. Then it would require higher doses to get the same results.
– TEA TREE OIL – This oil was used extensively during WWII as a very effective wound dressing. This powerful oil is only for use externally. It tastes and smells like turpentine.
Tea tree oil is a very effective antiviral and general antiseptic. It also keeps the scab oiled and soft – reducing painful cracking.
– GARLIC – Garlic is one of the most powerful and well-proven remedies for any illness caused by virus, bacteria or fungus.
Garlic is both an internal and external remedy for cold sores. Fresh is best. Cut a clove and rub the fresh oil on the cold sore. Use fresh garlic cloves in your salad.
Cold sore home remedies are numerous. These are just a selection of some of the best. You will find these cold sore home remedies will usually work better, and for less cost, than expensive commercial remedies.
You will find some remedies work better for than others. Each person is different. By trying these – and combining them in different ways – you will be able to develop the best cold sore home remedies for your particular needs.
About the Author: Don’t buy another treatment until you read Denny Bodoh’s updated information on
Cold Sores
. He will give you some simply amazing
Cold Sore
cures and treatments you can use today.
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